Secretary of
State Websites

All of the entities referenced on this page advertised in
and/or "sent" me and/or my clients spam
(i.e., "unsolicited commercial email"), meaning they did not have direct consent
as defined by California Bus. & Prof. Code § 17529.1(d).
In some
cases, the entities listed below are the actual senders. In some cases,
the entities below are "spamvertisers" – they advertise in spam sent by contracted third party
agents. A few of them are spam networks, who sign up as affiliates of
the advertisers and then further outsource the actual sending to their own third
party agents. And a few are contracted email senders, but if the emails
originate from their servers and the clickthrough links point to their servers,
then they're advertising in the spams too.
Digital Media Solutions
Inc. et al
Plaintiffs win the appeal! Untraceable sending domain names (like the
ones here) materially violate B&P Code
§ 17529.5, Rosoloski
v. Guthy-Renker LLC does not apply where you can't readily identify the
senders in the body, and
advertisers are strictly liable for their marketing partners' violations.
Read the order here.
QuinStreet Inc. et al
More than 400 spams advertising QuinStreet's loan referrals. Generic From
Names and fake people's names, untraceable sending domain names, Subject Lines
claiming preexisting relationships, third parties' domain names without
permission, and none of the spams identified the senders. Read the first amended
Digital Media Solutions
Inc. et al
Almost 300 spams advertising extended auto warranties. Generic From
untraceable sending
domain names,
Subject Lines claiming
preexisting relationships, and none of the spams identified the senders. Read the complaint
DMS won on demurrer; the judge followed a more recent case with different facts
rather than an older case with the same facts, and also ruled that Subject Lines
aren't part of email headers. Plaintiffs appealed and won; see 2021.
In 2023, Plaintiffs learned that spam network
B Two Direct LLC is
associated with 20% of the spams in the Action and the predecessor to
Inboxability Agency Ltd.
sent 80% of the spams at issue.
Leadpoint Inc. et al
More than 100 spams advertising "FHA Rate Guide." Generic From Names
and fake people's names,
untraceable sending
domain names, Subject
Lines claiming preexisting relationships, and none of the spams identified the
senders. Read the complaint
here. Dismissed.
Supernatural Man LLC
et al
40 spams advertising
"5G Male" penis enlargement pills.
Generic From Names, untraceable sending domain names,
false Subject Lines, and
none of the spams identified the senders. Read the complaint
here. Dismissed.
Aristocratic Health
LLC et al
50 spams advertising penis enlargement pills. Generic From Names and
fake people's names,
untraceable sending
domain names,
false Subject Lines, and
none of the spams identified the senders. Read the complaint
here. Dismissed.
CHW Group Inc.
et al
75 spams advertising "Choice Home Warranty." Generic From Names,
untraceable sending
domain names,
none of the spams
identified the senders, and third parties' domain names without permission. Read the
first amended complaint
here. Dismissed.
Bryant & Stratton College Inc.
et al
32 spams advertising a for-profit college. Generic From Names,
untraceable sending
domain names,
and none of the spams
identified the senders. Read the first amended complaint
here. Dismissed.
LLC et al
138 spams advertising loans. False and misleading Subject Lines
alleging nonexistent loans and preexisting relationships, and none of the spams
identified the senders. Read the first amended complaint
here. Dismissed.
Asia Maritus Limited
dba "Qpid Network" et al
This lawsuit is against Qpid and its marketing agents including Adreaction,
Burke Oliver Concepts Inc. dba "Concise Media Group," Internet Retail Billing
Inc., Luna Media Group, and Sauphtware Inc. dba "Panda Mail." More than
1,100 spams for Asian/Russian/Latin "dating websites" but the From Names are
misrepresented, the Subject Lines are false & misleading, and many spams have
forged headers too. Read the complaint
here. Dismissed.
J.G. Wentworth,
Mercury Media, and Matomy Media Group
13 spams advertising The J.G. Wentworth Company dba peachtreefinancial.com
and myjgwentworth.com. Diversified Mercury Communications LLC is the spam
network, and Matomy USA Inc. -- which claims to be a network
that prohibits its publishers from spamming -- or perhaps its mailers sent most of the
spams at issue, forging the headers so it looks like the spams were sent from toysrus.com, mcdonalds.com, etc., and putting nonexistent entities and UPS Store
boxes in the bodies of the spams as the senders. Read the complaint
LLC et al
This lawsuit is against ClickSyndicate.com LLC and its advertisers (Edge
BioActives and FairLight Scientific LLC) and its mailers (BestMailer and FlyLeaf
News) for lovely spams such as "Discover how to make women stick on your skewer"
and "Aren't all of your girlfriends squeaking with pleasure yet? They definitely
will with some help from our side." Misrepresented information in From
Names and Subject Lines, Read the third amended complaint
here. Dismissed.
AffairFantasy.com et
This lawsuit against AffairFantasy.com, FreeHookups.com, FreeSwingerAds.com,
YouFind-LocalSingles.com, and OfferIt LLC alleges that hook-up-for-random-sex
spams ("Want to F.ck a Horny Slut Tonight?") are unlawful. Read the complaint
here. Dismissed.
Fluent LLC et al
This lawsuit is against related entities Fluent LLC, Reward Zone USA LLC, RewardsFLow LLC, and American Price Center LLC, dba promotionsusaweb.com,
nationalconsumercenter.com, surveysandpromotionsnonline.com, and many others.
Didn't think many spammers are still doing the take-a-survey-get-a-gift-card
spams, but these guys are. Also named, some of the networks/senders,
including Sauphtware Inc. dba Panda Mail, AdReaction, Anglo IdiTech, Fortanalysis8 Develop, Concept
Network. Many From Names include e.g. "Walmart" and "Amazon"; many sending
domain names include e.g. toysrus.com, macys.com -- indisputably false.
Fluent even seems to think it is the government; many spams claim to be
from/about "Unemployment check." Fluent removed the case
improperly, and we remanded to state court. A second lawsuit with
different plaintiffs but comparable spams was consolidated into this one. Read the
fourth amended complaint here.
Settled after a 14-hour mediation, and dismissed.
Flex Marketing Group LLC/Brick Run Media LLC/Michael Held, and RGO Media LLC
Yet another lawsuit naming some of the most prolific spammers out there.
Flex is easy enough to identify as a network, but Brick Run -- also run by the
same guy -- takes pains to hide its identity as the actual sender by using bogus
names and "virtual boxes" at Earth Class Mail all over the country when it
registers its domain names. Also added RGO Media LLC along the way. Read the complaint
Ad Trust Marketing LLC, Reach X LLC et al
After naming Ad Trust Marketing LLC and Reach X LLC (collectively, "Popular
Marketing") as defendants in other lawsuits, this lawsuit is against them, their
advertisers, and their affiliates/publishers. That set includes our old
friends Flex Marketing Group Inc., Michael Held, and related company Brick Run
Media LLC. Also Global Response Partners LLC, NWhiz Media LLC, and RGO
Media. Read the complaint
Blue Global LLC et al
This is our second lawsuit against this group of payday lead generators:
Blue Global LLC, Acquisition Media LLC, PanAmerican Capitol Advisors LLC,
Sovereign Internet Marketing LLC. Also named as defendants, Fetch Deals
Inc., Inbox Media LLC, and plenty of DOEs.
False/misrepresented information in From Names, misleading subject lines,
and third party domain names without permission. Read the complaint
False/misrepresented information in From Names (e.g. "Urgent Attention
Needed" and nonexistent people") and false Subject Lines designed to scare the
recipient (e.g. "Verify report #569885 - negative info released about you"
and "Alert received about you - Negative items listed"). Also named as
defendants: VerifyPeers.com, MagnifyCheck.com, BackgroundRep.com,
Intelireports.com, and Ancelet. Read the complaint
Subsequently amended to add Riip Digital LLC as a defendant. Dismissed.
Scalable Commerce LLC dba Kids Live Safe #2
False/misrepresented information in From Names (e.g. "Sex*Offende Alert"
and "URGENT ALERT") and Subject Lines (e.g. "Neighborhood Child
Predator Risk Alert"). We also named as defendants KLS's agents
0937316 B.C. Ltd.; Mindfulness Mountain
Marketing LLC, and Vennq.com.
Read the complaint
Real Bright Media Inc. #2
The loan/lead-generator spammer CapitolCashLoan.com didn't learn its
lesson, so we sued again. Also named as defendants:
Joshua Bass (RBM's sole owner/officer) in his individual
capacity, NWhiz Media LLC, BZI Processing LLC, Net Tangerine Inc., (who has
defaulted), and
various companies and an individual behind
apatracker.com (namely Apex Ads Inc., 212 Media Marketing Inc., 212 Media
Group Inc., 212 Media GRP Inc., Jason Rubin a/k/a Travis Cotiletta a/k/a Jason
Brown a/k/a John Elway a/k/a Robert Ballard).
Read the original complaint
here. Read the
operative second amended complaint
Scalable Commerce LLC dba Kids Live Safe #1
False/misrepresented information in From Names (e.g. "Local Authorities" and
"POLICE ALERT") and Subject Lines (e.g. "4 Sexual Predators Spotted in Your
Neighborhood") and third party domain names (e.g. nytimes.com) without
permission. Read the complaint
Byron Udell & Associates Inc.
dba Accuquote
This insurance provider advertises in spams with misrepresented/false From
Names (nonexistent people) and Subject Lines (e.g. "You Have Been
Approved. Application Processed." which is false because the recipients
never even applied. Read the complaint
Accuquote filed a
cross-complaint against its advertising network DMI Partners Inc., and
plaintiffs filed an amendment to the complaint to add DMI Partners Inc., RTK
Media Inc., and Richard Nolan. Read the complaint + amendment
Real Bright Media Inc. #1
Another loan/lead-generator spammer dba CapitolCashLoan.com.
Settled with some defendants, removed some defendants, and added some
defendants, including Joshua Bass (RBM's sole owner/officer) in his individual
capacity, NWhiz Media LLC, BZI Processing LLC, Flex Marketing Group LLC, and
various companies and an individual behind
apatracker.com (namely Apex Ads Inc., 212 Media Marketing Inc., 212 Media
Group Inc., 212 Media GRP Inc., Jason Rubin a/k/a Travis Cotiletta a/k/a Jason
Brown a/k/a John Elway a/k/a Robert Ballard). Read the original complaint
here. Read the operative second amended complaint
PanAmerican Capital Advisors LLC
This payday loan spammer operates the CashMojo.com website, and affiliated
companies Acquisition Media LLC, Blue Global Inc., and Blue Global LLC, operate other payday loan websites.
The original complaint - read it
here - was only
for 27 spams, but an upcoming FAC will include multiple plaintiffs and several
thousand spams. Dismissed.
People Media Inc./SpeedDate LLC
This lawsuit involves allegedly unlawful spams advertising
SeniorPeopleMeet.com, BlackPeopleMeet.com, OurTime.com, and
SpeedDate.com. Read the complaint
This lawsuit involves allegedly unlawful spams advertising Auto-Price-Finder.com
and other related websites. Read the complaint
Ascentive LLC
This lawsuit involves allegedly unlawful spams advertising Ascentive.com.
Read the complaint here.
ConsumerTrack Inc.
This lawsuit involves allegedly unlawful spams advertising dvertising
GoFreeCredit.com, GoLookOnline.com, and ImportantScore.com.
Read the complaint
here. Dismissed.
Allen Henning and
Deniro Marketing LLC
This lawsuit involves allegedly unlawful spams advertising AdsForSex.com,
AmateurMatch.com, Cheaters.net, CheatingHouseWife.com, DatingAffair.com,
FindCheaters.com, HookUpBBW.com, LocalCheaters.com, SpeedBoink.com,
SpiceOrNice.com, Untrue.com, and XXXDating.com, perhaps operated by
some combination of Allan Henning, Deniro Marketing LLC, LiveChannels LLC.
Read the fifth amended complaint
here. Dismissed.
Spire Vision LLC et al
There are lots of companies (and what appear to be unregistered fictitious business names) in
the "Spire Vision" family, and we're not quite sure yet which ones are fully
responsible, because they play games like registering domain names to one
company, but the privacy policy on the website refers to a different company.
Spire Vision companies include (but aren't limited to): Spire Vision LLC, Digital Publishing Corporation,
Juniper Marketing LLC, MediActivate LLC, On Demand Research LLC, Prime
Advertisers LLC, Serve Clicks LLC, Spire Vision Holdings Inc., Ward Media Inc.,
and XL Marketing Corp. Spire Vision sends spams from multiple domain
names, perhaps to bypass spam filters, and the domain names are
registered to "Achieve Opportunities," "AgreeWizard," "FurturesDrive" [sic], "JunctionLights,"
"Opportunity Central," "Paths Direct," "PullSmart," and "YourAdsHere," claiming
addresses at boxes at branches of The UPS Store in states in which Spire Vision
has no other physical presence, and Spire Vision doesn't register those entities
as companies or FBNs in those states.
My client Christopher Wagner received numerous Spire Vision spams... sometimes
Spire Vision is the advertiser, sometimes as the sender, sometimes as a
"middleman," and sometimes as all three.
Spire Vision improperly removed to federal court, and we got it remanded back to
Sonoma County where it belongs.
Other companies involved with Spire Vision's spamming include:
Accelerize New Media Inc.
of Newport Beach, CA dba cktrk.net
Insite Marketing Group LLC
of Reno or Carson City, NV dba automotivefinancial.com
Zulu Marketing LLC
of Orem, UT dba online-home-careers.com
Trancos Inc.
dba CoregMedia.com and USAProductsOnline.com
Trancos claims to be an advertising network... but they're also a direct
spammer too. Eight spams in 2007, from eight nonsensical different domain
names, all of which were privately registered. False statements in the
body of the spam too, like that I signed up from a particular IP address in
Indiana. I was in Los Angeles on the supposed date of opt-in, and I have a
declaration from the California Attorney General to prove it. Seven of the
eight From Names – "Paid Survey," "Your Business," etc. – were generic and did
not identify the advertiser/sender.
The body of the spams only identify the sender as USAProductsOnline.com, which
of course is privately registered too, and an address that turns out to be a
branch of The UPS Store in Los Angeles. I subpoenaed The UPS Store, and
learned that the box was rented to a Lewis J. Wright Jr., claiming an address
that, after further research, I identified as Trancos' Pacific Palisades
location. Oh yeah, Trancos also willfully failed to register
USAProductsOnline.com as a fictitious business name, as required by Bus. & Prof.
Code § 17910. How do I know it was knowingly? Because "Trancos dba
Adfish" sued one of its own advertisers, and the complaint says that Trancos has
complied with all applicable laws re: fictitious business names, and it actually
registered Adfish as an FBN a month before it started spamming me using
the USAProductsOnline.com pseudonym.
I sued in 2008. The case went to trial on October 13, 2009. On
March 10, 2010, the Court issued a
Final Judgment and Statement of Decision in my favor as to the spam cause of
action, but against me as to the CLRA. (Note: This document is hosted
on an external website.) To
the best of my knowledge, this is the first time that a case has actually gone
to trial under Bus. & Prof. Code § 17529.5, other than small claims court.
Read the press release
Defendants filed an appeal on the spam cause of action, and I filed a
cross-appeal on the CLRA cause of action.
On February 24, 2012, the Court of
Appeal issued a published Order affirming the trial court in all respects: I win
on the anti-spam cause of action, and I don't have standing on the CLRA cause of
action. Trancos also owes me $82K in attorneys' fees on a $7K judgment,
and it would have been a lot more than that except that I did a lot of the work
on the case myself and couldn't bill for it. Read the
Court of Appeal's Ruling. (Note: This document is hosted on an
website.) It's worth noting that Trancos could have settled this
matter confidentially four years ago for a couple thousand bucks.
Trancos petitioned Cal. App. for a rehearing, which was denied.
Trancos petitioned the California Supreme Court for review (claiming that their
right to send unlawful spam is an important issue, and falsely claiming that
there was a split between the appellate districts on the preemption question),
and the Supremes denied it.
Trancos then petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for review, and SCOTUS denied it.
Trancos petitioned for a rehearing, and SCOTUS denied it again. Therefore, this case
as "good" case law... generic from names are unlawful, domain names registered
so as to not be readily traceable (including proxy-registration) are unlawful,
the exception to preemption is based on falsity not fraud, and "direct consent"
means exactly what it says it means... no "transferring" consent from one
spammer to another.
Moniker Privacy Services LLC and Oversee.net
Four plaintiffs, including me, sued Moniker because Moniker was the legal
owner of porn/fake "adult dating" websites at the time we received the spams.
Read the complaint here.
Numerous sources, including ICANN, WIPO, several courts, several registrars, and
Moniker itself state that a proxy registration service is the legal owner of
proxy-registered domain names. Moniker can cross-complain if it wants to
against its licensee, but my clients and I maintain that that doesn't change the fact that
Moniker is the legal owner/registrant of the domain names
and liable. The matter settled on terms acceptable to all parties.
TropicInks LLC, Datastream Group Inc., and
Leigh-Ann Colquhoun
Scroll down to 2005,
and you'll see a lawsuit against DSG Direct Inc., Your-Info Inc. et al.
The Court entered
judgment in my favor in
2008. I seized 1% of the judgment by levying on AmEx payments to DSG
Direct. Two months later, Leigh-Ann Colquhoun – the sole corporate officer
of DSG Direct and Your-Info – caused the companies to dissolve. Two weeks
later, Colquhoun starts up TropicInks LLC... operating the same websites from
the same physical address, and she is one of but two officers. Datastream
Group Inc. is the legal owner of the websites. I filed a motion to amend
the judgment based on alter ego, successor, and corporate officer theories of
liability, but the court denied my motion with no explanation whatsoever, and
without ruling on my objections.
So, I filed an appeal. Read my
Appellant's Opening Brief.
And read the concurrently-filed
Request for Judicial
Notice. In Respondents' Opposition to my Motion to Amend Judgment,
Colquhoun declares (in an untimely filed & served
that was also undated and not signed under penalty of perjury under the laws of
the State of California) that "Datastream is not an e-commerce company like DSG
Direct and TropicInks" but just an "Internet services company" (whatever that
means). What's interesting is, in 2008 the Michigan Attorney General sued
Datastream – not
DSG Direct or Your-Info – and in the Consent Judgment, Datastream admitted
that it sent/caused spams to be sent, and
had the ability to control the spams... which discredits and undermines their
claim to my trial court. Also, Datastream's Articles of Incorporation
state that it was created for "Internet Marketing" – which is broader
than just providing domain name management services.
Respondents' Opening Brief. Note the utter failure to address the
Michigan case, the fact that the supposed key employee was never named as an
officer, the irrelevant discussion of Florida law, glossing over successor
liability (a separate theory from alter ego liability), and the
several-page-long digression into the "stages of grief"
a transparent
sympathy ploy that has no legal merit.
Also, referencing Eric Reinertsen as an officer (not that he was ever named on
corporate filings either) isn't exactly helpful – he's been identified by
several sources as one of the top spammers in the world. Also blatantly
false claims that DSG Direct and Your-Info's last corporate filings were in
2005. Nope, 2007.
Here's my
Appellant's Reply Brief and
Second Request for
Judicial Notice... addressing the above-referenced (and more!) problems with
Respondents' Opening Brief.
On June 14, 2010, the Court of Appeal
partially reversed the Superior Court in my favor, adding TropicInks LLC to the
judgment as successor, but holding that I didn't have enough evidence to
establish liability as to Datastream Group as alter-ego or Colquhoun personally
as alter-ego or corporate officer at that time. Read the (unpublished)
In post-judgment discovery, to which none of the current or potential defendants
responded, the Court entered issue sanctions and made findings
of fact that will support liability for various other companies and individuals.
After I filed a Motion to Amend the Judgment, that finally got their attention,
and the matter settled before that Motion was heard.
Amanda Greiner
Ms. Greiner created a fake business name ("Madd
Roi LLC") and used multiple domain names – all of which were registered to
fake people, business, and addresses – to send her spam. But I tracked her
down and got her served. Read the
(slightly redacted) Verified Complaint. Read the
Ms. Greiner created a fake business name ("Madd
Roi LLC") and used multiple domain names – all of which were registered to fake
people, business, and addresses – to send her
spam. But I tracked her down and got her served. Click here to read
judgment entered
against her.
Sallie Mae
Inc. and SLM Corporation
I had a dispute with Sallie Mae
– read the First Amended
Complaint – but the matter has
been settled and dismissed.
Startup Consultants LLC et al
Darren Cleveland is the registered agent and principal officer of Startup Consultants
LLC (also dba TheAdDoctors.com) and RDC Consulting Inc. Gregoire
Gasparini was his partner. My complaint alleged that they sent me spams from multiple
domain names that they had registered in the name of a nonexistent entity, "IRL Technet Ltd.," at an address that turned
out to be an Irish Pub. (My letter to that address was returned undeliverable.)
The letter I sent to the P.O. Box that appears in
the body of the spams was returned unclaimed. Cleveland et al did a
fairly good job of hiding themselves, but I sent the sourcecode/clickthrus to several of the
advertisers featured in the spams, and the advertisers identified
Cleveland/Startup Consultants as the source. Click
Read the Complaint.
I settled with and dismissed Cleveland, Gasparini,
Startup Consultants LLC, and RDC Consulting Inc... no admission of liability by
any of them. Cleveland claims that "IRL Technet Ltd.,"
owned by "Ivan Lightbourne,"
is a separate
entity supposedly located in the Bahamas. I have no information at this
time to confirm or deny that, but it doesn't change the fact that three
advertisers independently identified Cleveland/Startup Consultants... not IRL
No settlement with TravelFleaMarket.com Inc.
(owned by Robert Phillips of Oceanside,
NY) – another named defendant – who, with these spams, violated a previous consent decree not to
send me unlawful spam.
Default judgment entered for $15K).
DSG Direct et al.
DSG Direct Inc. of Bonita Springs, FL appears to
have been created from the old Evo Clix Inc. and Your-Info Inc., both also
in Florida –
big shock there. I unsubscribed five times from
Evo Clix, back when I naively thought that might actually work to stop the
spam. (To be precise, I unsubscribed via email, weblink, and certified
letters to Evo Clix and its registered agent.)
Judgment entered for Plaintiff in 2008. I seized 1% of the
judgment by levying on AmEx payments, and then the companies shut down. I
filed a motion to amend the judgment in 2009, but lost. And then I filed
an appeal. See TropicInks, above.
TLM Enterprises Group
This "resume spammer" is off the charts in terms of deceptive means of
evading spam filters. At the time of filing, there were 65 spams...
sent from 26 unique domain names, 37 unique email addresses, 20 unique IP
addresses indicating origination in 8 different states, and 11 different
ISPs. A few more spams since filing too. Various other types of
falsity in the email bodies, and most don't include a physical mailing
address as required by CAN-SPAM either. Defendants ignored several
letters, so we're in court.
Judgment entered for Plaintiff.
USGuides.net Click
to read the complaint as filed. Settled this one.
Glen Hannifin and Usavedepot
My attorneys got involved in this Superior Court case. Hannifin denies all liability but
he never filed any papers with
the Court. Not one. Even after the Sheriff showed up at his door
with an original, and then an amended complaint. Default judgment of $18,000 in March, 2004. But Hannifin
actually has far more serious problems than my judgment;
Microsoft sued him for $7.4 million.
Prospect Data Corp. and Permission Communications
Inc. (FL)
This was another Superior Court
We settled
out-of-court in March 2003. No more spam since the settlement.
Toplander Corp. and YesMail (IL)
This was my first attempt at writing a complaint for Superior Court.
It wasn't particularly well-written, but the spammers in Illinois didn't
want to litigate in California, so we settled out-of-court in October
2002. No more spam since the settlement.
Unknown Spammer dba "Jambo
This spammer sent dozens of spams from dozens of domain names, all of which were
falsely registered. NameCheap.com is the reseller for the registrar
Enom.com. NameCheap finally, after threats of legal action, removed the
Whoisguard privacy protection, but that's not quite the same thing as
identifying its licensee (the actual spammer), which it is required to do
pursuant to the
ICANN-Registrar Accreditation Agreement, paragraph, otherwise it
accepts all liability. So, it looks like NameCheap will be sued, along
with "Jambo Jack" as a Doe defendant, and all of the advertisers:
NameCheap.com, hiding its
real address via a box at The UPS Store in Westchester, CA, and its rude owner
Richard Kirkendall
AER Investments
Corporation dba SurveyRewardsCenter.com of Boca Raton, FL and its
owner, Warren Rustin
ConsumerBargainGiveaways LLC dba
OpinionResearchPanel.com of Evanston, Illinois and its principal
Jeff Zweben
Find Your Customers Inc. dba
Secure-Cash.net of Austin, TX and Carlsbad, CA
Focus Interactive Inc. dba
Iwon.com of White Plans, NY
Global Travel International Inc.
dba GlobalTravel.com of Maitland, FL
Insweb Corp. and Insweb Insurance
Services Inc. dba Insweb.com of Gold River, CA
TrueBeginnings LLC dba
True.com of Irving, TX
of Burlington, VT
Illinois Spammer
I filed two lawsuits against this spammer, which
shall not be named here. The spammer tried to hide its identity by registering its domain names with private WhoIs
services - which is itself a violation of federal law, 18 USC § 1037(a)(4), but I got 'em.
Some of thispam,
123td.com LLC dba Pronto Mortgage Express
of Westminster, CA
Achieve Wellness LLC
of Atlanta, GA
Direct LLC of Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Alliance Acquisitions Associates
Inc. of Marietta, GA
America's Who's Who Registries of
Outstanding Professionals LLC (also dba Prestige Who's Who Registries) of Patchogue, NY
American Medical Services / American Health Services of
Clearwater, FL
ASH Books and Sean C.
Hanzelik of Harrison, TN
Enterprises Inc. of New York, NY and Booth
International LLC of Spring Valley, NY
Cash Cow Enterprises LLC
of Mauldin, SC
Certified Auto Alliance of
Fremont, CA and Michael Burkey
Colorado Baking Company Inc.
of West Chicago, IL - Default Judgment Entered
"Direct Investors"
of Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Emergency Internet Solutions
of Houston, TX
E.T. Communications of
Newark, OH
Famous Idols Inc. of Ft.
Lauderdale, FL
Financial Debt Solutions LLC of Clearwater, FL
Icon Inc. dba InStyleSwimwear.com of Richboro, PA
Gyrocom Inc. of West Palm
Beach, FL
Hold-It Systems Ltd of
Lima, OH
Intelligent Resources Corp.,
Intelligent Resources Consulting and Bruce J. Frisch of Santa Cruz, CA
Lead Capture Pros Inc. of
Canton, OH
Lesko Enterprises Inc. of
Albion, PA
Liquidity International Inc. dba Global Gold of Carrollton, TX
Livingstone Corporation of Wheaton, IL
Marblestone Funding Inc.
of Fremont, CA
- Default Judgment Entered
Charles C. McGowen
dba LifeSpaceMatters.com of Lighthouse Point, FL
- Default Judgment Entered
Melaleuca Inc. of Idaho
Falls, ID and Jack Burney of Georgetown, TX
MyLostPet.net of Berlin,
National Communications Group LLC of Weston, FL
Charles O. Nwarueze dba FleetPrize.com and Benchmark
Mortgage Capital of Fontana, CA
Personal Tax Services Inc. dba RedTaxFrog.com of Calhoun, GA
Puig Development Corporation /
Venetia Country Club of Largo, FL
- Default Judgment Entered
International LTD of Wheeling, IL
Resorts Unlimited Inc. of
North Salt Lake, UT and Perforum Marketing of Orem,
Riptopia Inc. of
Washington, DC
Gideon LLC of Des Moines, IA
"Savvy Investor"/"Stock Wire" of
Santa Monica, CA
Secure Call Management Inc.
of Los Angeles, CA
- Default Judgment Entered
Sheridan Distributing Inc. dba
fitandfiddle.com of Williamsville, NY
International LLC dba Nextou.com of Columbia, SC
Tamara Dorris dba MillionDollarAgent.org of
Carmichael, CA
Tiferet Journal and
Baier Stein Direct of Peapack, NJ and
Miriam's Well Inc. of Saugerties, NY
Vision Marketing dba
TheMoneyDoctorSystem.com of Orange, Florida and
Anthony Lee dba alcashplus.com, an individual in Kinston, NC
WM Inc. of Los Angeles, CA
YourDoormat.com of
Richmond, VA
3B Software Inc. dba dtv4pc.net
of Arlington, TX
8th Floor Interactive LLC dba
NewOffersClub.com of Lewis, DE
Accredited Debt Relief LLC
of San Diego, CA
All Web Leads Inc. dba
MyInsuranceQuoteFinder.com and Vision-Insurance.org of
Austin, TX
Daniel L. Allen dba
ClickVerse.com of North Hollywood, CA
Advance Corp. dba "Mt. Courtney
Financial" and "Monde Financial"
of Wyoming, DE,
Marketing Network LLC of Palm Beach Gardens, FL
and its California spamming services,
Uptilt Inc. (dba
EmailLabs) of Menlo Park, CA and Excedior Inc. (dba ResultsMail)
of Santa Ana, CA
Auctiva Corporation
of Chico, CA
Axis Interactive Media Inc. of Hollywood, FL... also claiming
addresses in Hialeah and Loxahatchee, FL
Badass Ventures Inc. dba
TheTaoOfBadass.com of San Carlos, CA
"Judge" Doug Bench dba The
Brain Training Academy and BrainApples.com of McIntosh, FL.
Some sort of "improve your brain" thing. But before you buy in
because a "Judge" must be intelligent and trustworthy, consider that
Doug Bench is NOT a judge; in fact, he is not even a lawyer. Bench
was disbarred in Ohio in 1994 for felony grand theft, felony forgery,
moral turpitude, intentionally damaging clients, knowingly using false
evidence and making false statements, misappropriating client funds,
Dayton Bar Association v. Bench, 71 Ohio St. 3d 202 (Ohio 1994).
Bisk Education Inc. dba
FloridaTechOnline.com of Tampa, FL
Blastoff Communications LLC dba
BlastoffNetwork.com of Plano, TX
of San Diego, CA (part of Digital River
of Eden Prairie, MN), who sent a spam under the direction of
Keith Glantz dba InsidersPicks.net
of Las Vegas, NV and The Insiders Group Inc. of Dundalk,
Bosley Inc., Bosley Medical
Group, Bosley Medical Institute, and/or Bosley Hair Restoration
of Beverly Hills, CA
Capsoft Inc. dba MyCapsoft.com
of Houston, TX
(retailer of "ErrorSmart" software)
Caribbean Cruise Line dba
caribbeancl.com of Pompano Beach, FL and
John Damico dba got2getaway2010.com
of Osteen, FL
CheckPeople LLC of
Palo Alto, CA
Clickspeed Marketing Inc. dba
emergencybucks.com of Overland Park, KS
Complete Web Services Inc. dba
WebHostingPad.com dba TheRevilo.com of Rolling Meadows IL (a
domain registrar advertising its own registration services)
Contact Media Group LLC dba
NationalMatrix.com of Rawlings, WY
Debt to Wealth LLC (formerly
Cummata Debt to Wealth LLC) of Cheyenne, WY
Digital Media Solutions LLC,
One on One Marketing LLC, and One on One Marketing Holdings LLC all dba
Classes And Careers of Clearwater, FL and Lehi, UT
DP Enterprises Inc. dba
DishPronto.com of New York, NY
"Effective Marketing"
supposedly in New
Zealand and Canada. Principals include:
Achieve Financial Security LLC
of Jacksonville, FL
DentalPlans.com of Dania, FL
Envoy Media Group Inc. dba
DebtReliefCenter.org of Tarzana, CA... which claims in its
media policy that it does its own internal marketing and doesn't use
affiliates... a complete falsehood.
of Simi Valley, CA
E-Track Media Corporation and Chris Mahle of Boca Raton, FL.
Principals include: Granite Investment Group LLC of Bedford, TX
HDVE LLC dba True.com of
Irving, TX Way Beyond Communications LLC of Boca
Raton, FL
Evan-Allen Services and Rob
of Concord, CA... spamming to email addresses scraped from the Bar
Association of San Francisco website.
EverFocus Electronics Corp.
of Duarte, CA
FreeCollegeScholarships.net of San Francisco, CA
Futuredontics Inc. dba
of Los Angeles, CA
Geary Group and Geary
Interactive dba CollegeUSA.org of San Diego and San
Francisco, CA
Gilbert Consulting Services
Inc. of Arroyo Grande, CA
Ryan Gillies of
Phoenix, AZ
of Debary, FL
Roger Hoover dba
17FoodsThatHeal.com of Kirbyville, MO
iDrive Interactive
of Camp Hill, PA
Eric Lee of Mountain
View, CA, who sent a phishing spam pretending to be American Airlines
Lexington Law of
North Salt Lake, Utah
Lighthouse Christian Channel
Inc. dba couponfor.org of Laguna Niguel, CA, and since its corporate status has
been suspended, its President Caesar Elmi too
LimosBusesJets.com LLC and
Leonard Okoth of Mays Landing, NJ
Liquid Marketing Inc. and
Jungle Inc. of Boca Raton, FL
Liquid Ventures LLC dba
Hookup.com of Boulder, CO
LiveOps Inc. dba
TryThirtySecondSmile.com of Santa Clara, CA, and its
nonexistent partner falsely claiming to be "Keniks LLC"
Lockerz LLC dba lockerz.com,
a Delaware limited liability company
Chris Luckie dba Itechfeed.com
of Ravenna, OH
Macronet International LLC
of Buffalo, WY. Ironically, the spams I received advertised
Macronet's software to send email to opt-in addresses.
Magic Marketing Group LLC of Carson City, NV
Mari Media Inc. and
Kirk Leddon
of Hialeah, FL
Tony Mathews dba ISG
Handicappers and Insiders Sports Group of Las Vegas, NV
Memolink, Inc. of Lakewood, CO and David Asseoff (note, Asseoff is also
behind Trifecta Inc., who I already sued)
MikeFilsaime.com Inc. dba
MyViralAds.com of Ronkonkoma, NY
NameCheap Inc. dba
funtimeadlt.com of Westchester, CA
OperationalSystemsHome.com, etc. of
New York, NY
Neohire.com of Santa
Monica, CA
Pivot Networks dba
PivotNetworks.com of Austin, TX
Christopher Post of
Setauket, NY, who sent spams from Gmail, linking to domain names watchsunsets.info
and intriguedlove.com, both of which were
registered to a fake name/address, but the ad network through which he
sent the spams gave him up.
Premier Care in Bathing dba
PremierCareBathing.com of South Daytona, FL
Rapid Funds (a division of
Modesco LLC) dba RapidFunds.com and Jim Pacelli of Cumming,
Rapid Response Marketing dba x7.com
of Las Vegas, NV and its advertisers:
BullsEye Media Inc. dba
ThePrizeCenter.com of Harrisburg, PA
of Lillian, AL SmartNet Development LLC dba
of St. George, UT
Real Bright Media Inc. dba
CaptiolCashLoan.com of San Francisco, CA
and Cindy Dalton of Colton,
CA – which is a complete scam anyway, according to the
L.A. County Better Business Bureau
RelationServe Media Inc. dba "Telespace"
of Fort Lauderdale, FL and its principals: K2 Marketing Group Inc. of Pasadena, CA
Remedy Media LLC
dba MediaGroup of Irvine, CA and The Data Market Place Corp.
and Peter Roccisano (doing business as
Professional Internet Marketing Solutions
of Weston, FL. Principals include:
Golf Nutrition
Sciences Inc. dba GNS
of Arvada, CO
Memolink Inc. of Lakewood, CO and David Asseoff
(note, Asseoff is also
behind Trifecta Inc., who I already sued)
The New York Times Company
of New York, NY
Rochelle Gordon, purported psychic, of Milford, CT
RightInsurance.org (not a real company) of Laguna Beach, CA, owned by
Jim Hobbs of Denver, CO
Rockstar Marketing Inc. dba
TodaysPicks.net of Orlando, FL
S-Infotech Inc.
dba RealOffers
and Richard Simnett of Boca
Raton, FL. Principals include:
26RedMarketing LLC of
Provo, UT Eleventh Street Ventures Inc.
and Jason Phillips dba Trade-In-Value.com
of Newport Beach, CA ESI One LLC of Las Vegas,
NV and ESI Management LLC of Sandy, UT
PlatinumRomance.com of
Plano, TX
Rick Saling dba AdventSearch.com
Cincinnati, OH
SLJ Group Inc. dba
Universal Star Council of Lake Forest, IL
Small Cap Investor of Delray Beach, FL
Social Concepts Inc. and/or its
subsidiary Fubar Inc. dba Fubar.com of Redwood City, CA.
(One client has a small claims judgment in his favor.)
Stress-Free Technologies LLC
dba LowStressIncome.com of Queen City, AZ
"Suvrath LLC" dba
50states-auto-warranty.info and paydayloancare.info of Santa
Clarita, California – no such company (and a separate violation of B&P
Code § 17910.5(b) to claim you're an LLC when you're not), so liability
on Deebo Manning and Vishal Shah personally
Greg Thompson dba
Coach-Thompsons-International-Club.com of Willoughby, OH
Daniel Todd dba
LawFirmSites.com of American Fork, UT
Various Inc. dba Horny-Hookups.net
of Sunnyvale, CA,
and its affiliate Sharon K. Gray, acting
through various companies 3V Connections LLC,
Heart Multimedia LLC, Javelin Direct Marketing LLC, King Plus Solutions
LLC, Pink Reef Media LLC, and Uphill Revenue LLC.
Walla Media, a dba
of Revenue Media Empire Inc. of Santa Monica, CA
Bill Warren of Lake Balboa, CA
dba AListCoverage.com and CarWarrantyNow.com, and
AKMG, an ad network in El
Segundo, CA
Wayne Jackson Enterprises LLC dba OcalaSuccess.net of Ocala,
Wellpoint Inc. dba Anthem Blue
Cross of California
of Indianapolis, IN and
Blue Cross and Blue
Shield Association of Chicago, IL
What If Holdings LLC dba
of Tenafly, NJ
Woodcrest College of
Woodcrest, CA and Monterey Polytechnic
Institute of
Monterey, CA, the registrant of the domain name WoodcrestCollege.org.
Woodcrest College sent spams to three of my email addresses, indicating
that they're spamming to a suppression list. But, "Woodcrest
College" is a total scam to begin with. The entire "degree based
on life experience" a joke – the "exam" is sub-SAT verbal questions.
More seriously, the address claimed on the
– 17457 Van Buren Blvd. in Woodcrest, CA
– literally doesn't
exist. I know because I personally did a drive-by on July 8, 2010.
Who Shall Not Be Named. Principals include:
Buena Vista Catalog Co. and
Disney Enterprises Inc. dba DisneyMovieClub.com
of Burbank, CA
Corinthian Colleges Inc.
of Santa Ana, CA
DoubleDay Entertainment dba
Book-of-the-Month Club and OneSpirit.com
of Garden City, NY
Eleventh Street Ventures Inc. dba
of Newport Beach, CA Internet Cash Advance Marketing Inc. dba
PayDayAngels.com and FirstLibertyCash.com
of Vancouver, BC Canada
QuickApply Inc.
of Venice,
Ultima Patch LLC
of San
Diego, CA
Watermark Media Group Inc. dba
of Owings Mills, MD
I am represented
by Timothy Walton, a California attorney (in Aptos) with
extensive experience in the spam and
technology areas, who shares my passion for fighting spam.